To blog or not to blog IS always the question

Posted: May 15, 2011 in Authenticity, Community Building, Core Values

Weekly does my Writer’s Support Group for the Reticent Blogger meet at 1pm on Tuesdays. This gathering has been going on since March of 2010 and weekly many of the same people come to convene and converse about what is in the way of writing right now!

Or perhaps what success there is to report. I appreciate the mix myself.

What began as six charter attendees, is typically always far more than a baker’s dozen and it’s time that is graciously referred to as “Tuesday Group Therapy,” creativity group therapy and a standing appointment with self for at least a dozen regulars, I lovingly call the “Usual Suspects.”

Diane, Susan, Judy, Judy, Bob, Don, Darylene, John, Sue, Karen, Warren, Will, Paul, Steve, Karin, Mark, Mike, Scott and many others return week after week as they are able to both get what they need and give others the support they require.

And then comes the new attendee, the one who is there for the first time, without a blog for their business or self, or perhaps with a blog they have left unattended for too long. They seem aware of their resistance to the idea of self-publishing anything that is not technically accurate and related to the business. They have concerns and questions about this thing called “blogging.” They wonder…

What is a blog and why have one?

Why bother? What is in it for me and my business goals?

How will readers find me?

So what when they do? (What can I do to inspire comments and dialogue?)

Why would anyone read what I have written (says the person especially who doesn’t see themselves as a good writer)?

This marks the moment I smile and sometimes at Susan or Diane or Sue and say, sounds like time for an “Intervention.” They smile back knowing what comes next. There are many examples of people who have been “assisted” by being the spotlighted one for a while. We love it when they take the idea offered and run with it! ( Go on and check out the hyperlinks, you know you want too!)

Imagine arriving for an open writers support circle, unsure of what to expect and leaving with new found understanding of what having a blog as an extension of your business messaging could mean for you? Or knowing what you will name your blog or focus on and orbit the writing around? Or gaining a sense that your story and your voice and your personality are interesting to at least your initial 20+ readers?

Awareness that we would be a welcome voice in the blogosphere sparks interest in some. Some remain tentative and come back for months before ever launching a WordPress site or a Blog through their website. Still others take action right away, inspired by the generous suggestions and directions graciously given by those in the circle who were once in the same shoes.

The Truth as I See It goes like this: blogging as a Guerrilla Marketing strategy is here to stay, makes sense, can be done efficiently, can be fresh, can be evolving and adapting and did I say Makes Good Sense.

First, we must get over our fears–if only long enough to get started. Participant and writing client, Mike Margolies of The Athlete Within and the Mental Game, recently published a series of compelling pieces on that “Fear We Must Overcome” (as often as we need to). Resistance to new things evaporates for me when I understand why I am afraid and what might be beneficial if I got over my fears. It’s liberating to release fears. And it’s helpful to have a Base Camp to return to for support as needed. Who climbs Mt. Rainier solo?

Second, we will need to create some plan if only a light one for ourselves, to track against. I say let it be based on being Congruent with who one is, Consistent with one’s natural rhythms that get pushed from time to time, and grounded in what is rich Content of interest FIRST to us, and thereafter to our future Ideal Clients/Readers.

Third, may it be a process we choose to trust, engage in fully and in time realize, WE ARE HAVING FUN writing and sharing and sparking dialogue–if only within ourselves and hopefully with others. In time we will gain knowledge about ourselves, our business, our clients, our future clients, and all because we engage in communicating Authentically and with Enthusiasm for the sake of inspiring others and contributing to their Awareness and their own quality of life.

To blog or not to blog, may often be the question and I hope for my students and clients that embracing “blogging” and writing to authentically self-express our interests, creativity and areas of focus and expertise is ultimately what is the chosen path. I read a lot of blogs and comment on many. I get GREAT ideas from what others write and share. I connect people to each other who I feel need to know of each other.

To begin is what it takes. To begin with an end in mind is even better. When you need help getting going, I hope you ask for it. And if you want community, I have a great place for you to find it.

Tuesdays, 1pm. Does it have your name on it?

  1. Steve says:

    As always, thank you so much for being there with a kind comment and a gentle nudge. With your patience and encouragement I find myself writing and blogging and enjoying it. I would suggest to anyone having trouble getting past the starting line to swing by the Tuesday group at the Tea House. Even if you are just curious about what all this blogging is all about, you’ll be glad you swung by.
    Do yourself a favor and meet our scintillating Deborah Drake, you’ll be happier and better off for it.

  2. karen floyd says:

    Thanks again Deb for blogging and continually encouraging us to express our authenticity.
    I sure love the way you express yours! 🙂

  3. Speaking as one of those new attendees, not so very long ago, with no clear picture of the “World of Blog” or what if anything, it meant to me, I say wow!
    After just one group “intervention”, I left not only with a desire to start blogging, but my very own blog site name created by the group,” Real Estate for the Birds”. Great fun!
    Mark Behringer

    • deborahdrake says:

      And that was just the beginning wasn’t it? You are a fine example Mark of what can come to be created by way of community, enthusiasm, curiosity and good strategic planning. Your sites are great works in progress that employ fine design, intentional content that reflects who you are and what you are passionate about. And that makes for a rich and hearty reading experience. A visual feast in more ways than one.

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